Big Baffling Behaviors Book Study

We know you don’t need to read another parenting book. We also know you are curious about ways to understand your child’s (and maybe even your) behaviors and you have hope that this new understanding may lead to long term change.

Join Erin Bennetts, LCSW RPTS and Anna Coconati, Masters in Counseling Student as they explore the paradigm shift, strategies, and support presented in “Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors”. Participants will need to purchase (or borrow) a copy of “Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors and are encouraged to read each section prior to that week’s discussion. Available via: Paperback, Kindle, and Audible

This FREE 3 week Virtual Book Study is open to parents, care givers and professionals (Zoom groups 1X a week for 3 weeks). You can log into the discussion session (We offer 3 different days/times) each week that works best for your schedule.

Week 1: Section 1 Become an expert in your child’s behavior (How we “see”/understand behavior, changes behavior)

4/22 (10-11:30am), 4/23 (11:30am-1:00pm), 4/26 (9:30-11:00am)

Week 2: Section 2 Now lets “fix” those behaviors (Building your tools)

4/29 (10-11:30am) ,4/30 (11:30-1:00pm), 5/3 (9:30-11:00am)

Week 3: Section 3 Why Knowing Isn’t even half the battle (Simple strategies….not always easy)

5/6 (10-11:30am), 5/7 (11:30-1:00pm), 5/10 (9:30-11:00am)

I am ready to join the conversation!

Provide your name and email address - We will send you a printable PDF (Owls, Watchdogs and Possums) for signing up.

Zoom Link for Book Study Groups

Erin Bennetts is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Erin Bennetts's Personal Meeting Room

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 419 798 1760

Passcode: mtzF8y