Register for 90 minute WEDNESDAY WEBINAR

I am so excited to have you join me for a 90 minute webinar created by Robyn Gobbel. This webinar will introduce the foundational tenets that have shifted my work with children and families (and what good is that knowledge if I keep it to myself)! I believe all parents and care givers deserve the information contained in this webinar to support their parenting journeys. This webinar is full of information that I believe will support you and your child immediatly. It is also an introduction to the full Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors Parent Course created by Robyn Gobbel that I will be launching JANUARY 2025!

Please provide your name and email below. Select date that you plan to attend- but hey if something comes up you can always pop into the webinar on any Wednesday it is being offered October-December 2024 to receive the zoom link for the webinar.

All attendees of the webinar will receive an ebook, resource links, and discount code for the full parent course.

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